Thursday, 16 October 2014

Inspiration for Ancillary Task 1

When deciding the style of poster I wanted to use for my ancillary task, I started by thinking closely about the theme of our production. As it is predominantly supposed to convey an emotional message about the oppression experienced by a particular sex, I wanted the poster to be hard hitting and eye-catching.

To delve deeper into this, I looked at a few pictures that grabbed my attention.

This eye-catching poster interested me, as I liked the idea of having writing over the person's body. I think this is an innovative and interesting way to express a point of view or moral message, and coupled with the sad expression, colour scheme and bold message it has a very hard-hitting visual effect.

I also liked the idea of this poster as instead of just having plain bold text, they have carried through the message of their poster by making the title out of peoples bodies. I think playing around with titles ect in this way makes a profound impact on the viewer, something that is likely to stick in their minds for much longer.
I also liked this image as it is quite a shocking depiction of a moral message. By having the text written on her body as oppose to just a piece of text placed somewhere on the image, it makes it appear more real, and allows the viewer to have more of an emotional connection with the image.
After viewing these images and some others, I have decided to take inspiration from each and use an image for my film poster that will shock my audience. The images will be placed in a later post.

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